One of the biggest desires among just about everyone is the desire to make enough money working from home that you can quit your day job. Now, before I get into tips as to how you can do this, I want to let you know… this is not a get rich quick post. If you’re looking for a way to make thousands of dollars per day by paying $500 to get started and pushing a button, stop looking! That doesn’t exist! The reality is that making money from home is possible; I would even venture to say that getting rich is possible, but it’s not going to happen overnight. Nonetheless, if you put the time, research, and effort in, there’s no reason that you shouldn’t be able to make a good living from the comfort of home. Here are a few ways to do just that!


Become a Blogger

On January 1st, 2013, I quit my job to focus on my blog. I’ll never forget that day. Blogging is relatively simple. Using a content management system like WordPress, bloggers build relatively simple websites and write about what they love. For me, it was finance. Through writing quality content, readers start to not only happen across your blog, but bookmark it; making sure they can find it later. With quality content and a decent design, a great following can be built in around a year. Once the traffic starts to come in, advertisers start to pop up left and right; making it possible to monetize your blog and eventually quit your job to further your success! So, if you’re a writer, this may be the perfect way for you to build your way into a work from home career!

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Become a Day Trader

Day trading is another great way to make a living from home. Day traders use various investment vehicles that are known for providing high returns in a short amount of time. For example, binary options trading, forex trading, and even momentum stocks can be a great way to realize large returns in no time flat. Day trading is incredibly rewarding. However, it can also be incredibly risky. So, before you get started, do your research on the best investment vehicles, trading strategies, risk management and loss exposure strategies. By putting in the time to get to know the ins and outs of day trading in the beginning, you’ll have no problem enjoying the fruits of your labor in the future!


Start White Labeling Products

There are several companies out there that make incredible products and are willing to white label them. This means that these companies will put your brand on their products for a premium. From there, you can buy the products in bulk for incredibly low prices and sell them through online retailers like eBay, Amazon, Craigslist, and far more! White labeling products takes a bit of an initial investment and quite a bit of research with regard to ensuring that your wholesale prices are as low as possible, learning how to manage an online store, and more. However, if you’re willing to put forth the initial investment, as well as the time it takes to become a pro, this is a great way to make a good living from home!

Consider Driving For Ride Share Companies

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Lyft and Uber have been taking the limelight in media for quite some time now. These services are essentially taxi services. The difference is that they don’t own the cars, they simply own the platforms. Drivers use their own personal cars to offer rides through these services; and make incredibly good money at it. As a matter of fact, the average Uber driver earns between $16 and $30 per hour, depending on where they are in the world. For example, in New York drivers will make more money than they would in Port St. Lucie, FL. Nonetheless, even at $16 per hour, drivers earn well over minimum wage.


Offer Your Home as a Bed & Breakfast

Finally, you may have heard of Air BnB. This service allows you to post ads to use your home as a bed and breakfast; charging what you would like to charge for a stay. Through a quick search, I was able to find places all over the United States with price tags that range from about $50 to hundreds of dollars. While many people won’t be willing to open their homes to strangers, if you’re a social person and like the hospitality industry, this may be a great way for you to break out of the nine to five grind!

Do You Know Of Any Others?

Do you know of any other great ways to make money from home? If so, let us know in the comments below!