Nowadays, you’ll find several banks and financial institutions issuing a wide variety of credit cards. This makes it difficult to decide and select one from a plethora of choices. aims to make your job easier. It sends you pre-screened offers from multiple U.S. based banks and card issuers via email and U.S. mail. Thus, if you’ve been planning to apply for a credit card, signing up for offers will help you to make an informed choice. Also, in case you aim to get a cash back credit card with favorable terms, Chase Freedom Unlimited – one among the popular offers, would be worth considering.

What makes Chase Freedom Unlimited credit cards great?

Among offers, Chase Freedom Unlimited credit card is worth mentioning for the multiple benefits it brings your way. If you prefer a card with a straightforward rewards program or one that can finance big purchases, Chase Freedom Unlimited card could be just what you need! Even if you are worried about credit cards charging steep fees, the Chase card could provide a breather as it charges no annual fee. If your credit history is good to excellent, getting your Chase Freedom Unlimited credit card approved would be a cakewalk. You’re probably now curious to know more about this card. So let’s take a look at what you stand to gain by getting approved for this card.

To start with, you can earn a 5% cash back on your grocery store purchases (except the ones made at Walmart and Target). Such cash backs would be capped for purchases of up to $12,000 in the first year. Additionally, if you end up spending $500 on purchases within the first 3 months from the start of your credit account opening, you’ll get $200 as a bonus. After the first year, you’ll earn cash backs of 1.5% on all other purchases.

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Moreover, if you’re a frequent shopper or make purchases of hefty amounts, Chase Freedom Unlimited credit card could be a boon for your pocket. That’s because it comes with a 0% APR for 15 months (from your account opening date). Perhaps it’s this feature that makes the card a popular one among all other offers! However, keep in mind that after this 15-month period, a variable APR of 14.99-23.74% would be applicable. This means you should pay your monthly balance in full and on time to avoid your credit score from being adversely affected.

Since Chase Freedom Unlimited credit card has not set any threshold to redeem cash backs, you can redeem them at any time for travel, gift cards, or merchandise from In case you would rather prefer to let the cash backs get accumulated and reach a sizable sum, you won’t have to worry about their expiration. As long as your credit account stays open, your cash back rewards won’t expire. These are other reasons why Chase Freedom Unlimited cards find preference with many who have signed up for mail/email offers. You may even transfer your rewards earned on Chase Freedom Unlimited card to other Chase cards, though a balance transfer fee would be applicable.