Raynar Portfolio Management (RPM), a new wealth management organization founded by Philip Rodrigs has taken a strategic approach to investment opportunities as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Rodrigs is a small-cap stock specialist who has made a name for himself as an award-winning financial analyst. He has built a powerhouse team that includes Chartered Financial Analyst and Accountant, Matthew Taylor who leads Raynar Enhanced Portfolio, and Jon Garland, Head of Client Relations. The RPM team is dedicated to providing attractive investment opportunities with a client-first approach.
In June, RPM launched Raynar Flagship, a professional investment strategy carefully designed to accommodate challenging market conditions. Raynar Flagship returned 3.78% over the first month, despite less than half the portfolio being invested. The strategy focuses on delivering great client outcomes by investing in, amongst others, firms that continue to flourish during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as work from home stocks. Rodrigs and his team believe that the benefits of remote work and online communications will sustain post-pandemic. One such work from home stock that has become a strong contributor to returns is the U.K.-based video conferencing solution, LoopUp.
Raynar Portfolio Management Chooses Low Valuations with High Potential
The COVID-19 pandemic has been detrimental to business profitability around the world. On the contrary, however, many businesses that were once unknown are now making a name for themselves. LoopUp is a U.K.-based video conferencing platform that has become just that.
Upon launching Raynar Flagship, Rodrigs used his skilled investment expertise to identify up-and-coming stocks that meet the challenges presented due to the COVID-19 pandemic. RPM took the view that LoopUp’s valuation was surprisingly low. The team notes that they anticipated the stock to perform well as the service is increasingly well-known and widely used by professionals in the U.K. and around the world. LoopUp has a good reputation as a high-quality network at a low price. Notably, despite a similar offering, its high-profile competitor Zoom was awarded a valuation by the market 750 times greater than that of LoopUp at the end of June. RPM has faith that the company would continue to grow as dependency on remote work increased.
LoopUp Proves to Be a Solid Investment Opportunity
LoopUp is a premium global communications service, currently used by more than 5,000 organizations around the world. LoopUp offers a premium remote meeting solution and has recently launched full telephony integration for Microsoft Teams.
As one of the first investments within the Raynar Flagship strategy, LoopUp is one of the largest holdings at 6.2%. Rodrigs notes he was surprised that LoopUp shares were available to purchase at what he considered to be a low valuation given the current market landscape as he would have assumed that all such firms would have already risen more fully in value as the pandemic persisted.
Raynar Flagship Builds Upon COVID-19 Beneficiaries
As the COVID-19 pandemic looms on, Rodrigs continues his strategy to increase holdings for Raynar Flagship with firms that utilise innovation and technology to combat the negative economic effects of the pandemic. Firms that make it easier to work from home and shop online are included in this strategy. In addition, innovative healthcare companies working to create COVID-19 rapid tests are also on his list.
Raynar Portfolio Management provides a client-centered approach designed to find opportunities to enhance client outcomes combined within a positive working environment for its staff. Rodrigs’ is focused on identifying companies with reliable earnings including those that provide new opportunities because of the pandemic. Raynar Flagship is built upon Rodrigs’ expertise as a small-cap investor. The approach is thoughtful, analytical, and flexible to appropriately manage liquidity within the market.
Raynar Portfolio Management has grown beyond £55m in just its first seven months of operation and with strategies in place seeking to deliver client satisfaction and methods in place to accommodate the current variable market conditions, Rodrigs, Taylor, and Garland are pleased with the success.
About Philip Rodrigs and Raynar Portfolio Management
Philip Rodrigs is the founder of Raynar Portfolio Management (RPM), a portfolio management firm that specializes in micro-firm investments and embracing a client-first approach. Rodrigs and his team have developed a firm dedicated to providing thoughtful, analytical, and ethical investment opportunities to their clients.
Rodrigs is an award-winning Chartered Financial Analyst with over two decades of experience in investment management. He has been named Investment Week U.K. Smaller Companies Manager of the Year in both 2010 and 2011. In 2012, Rodrigs was awarded the prestigious Morningstar’s Outstanding Rising Talent award.
Rodrigs founded RPM in February 2020 and has since launched two initiatives, the first of which is Raynar Enhanced Porfolio, developed and led by Chartered Financial Analyst and qualified Accountant Matthew Taylor. The team also includes Jon Garland, Head of Client Relations, who plays a key component in the firm’s client-centered approach to success.