The past couple of decades have seen a dramatic increase in the quality of the technology we are all connected with. Our smartphones, our computers and our Internet connections are all faster than ever – and this allows a lot of people to work remotely and to make an honest living by not having to commute for miles and miles a day.

What are some of the main jobs you can do remotely? Read on and find out more:



If you can code a software, you are more than lucky because there are a lot of remote jobs that provide people like you with the opportunity of making some side money by doing something you genuinely enjoy. You don’t have to sit in an actual office to code the perfect software so a lot of companies will be more than happy to lower their costs by hiring remotely located people.


Sure, you can write poetry and fiction – and you can sell them on Amazon as well. However, keep in mind the fact that there are a lot of other writing options as well. For instance, you could work with a marketing company that provides online marketing services – and your writing skills will be more than useful there. Furthermore, you can find a lot of people who are more than willing to pay generous sums of money to have their books ghostwritten as well. You may not be able to create a masterpiece and you will not be accredited with the creation of that book either – but you will definitely make able to create some extra income.

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Selling Homemade Things

If you are a crafty person, you should know that you can round up your income with your skills. Crocheting handbags, creating homemade plush toys, creating jewelry and beauty products – the options are almost limitless, so you will definitely find something you can truly be great at and sell your creations.


Traditionally, teaching is anything but remote. However, keep in mind the fact that you can tutor students online as well. Most of the times, you will only need a stable Skype connection and the ability to share your textbooks with your students. Furthermore, there are a lot of companies online (especially in the foreign language learning niche) that want hire for their online schools.  The pay may not be a lot (but it’s never a lot in the case of teachers) and you get to do something you really like – and be paid for it as well.


Online Entrepreneur

The very best thing about the Internet is that it can connect people who live on the opposite ends of the world in just a matter of seconds. This has opened the door for a lot of opportunities for many online entrepreneurs, so it’s definitely worth looking into the options you have and to decide which one is actually best for you. Passive income, online shops and blogging are just some of the “online entrepreneurship’s” branches, but if you don’t feel attracted to any of these, there are still quite a lot of solutions for you as well.