Investing in stocks and shares is certainly a good idea if you are looking to grow your income, build a retirement fund or just look to get a different source of income during in 2021 and if you already have an emergency fund then we would recommend that you would start thinking about getting into investments. Due to this, we thought that we would create a list of what we think are the safest stocks on the market for the next calendar year.
[Image: The Motley Fool]
One of the safest stocks that we expect to continue its dominance on the market moving in 2021 is that of Amazon (AMZN) as it certainly became a e-commerce monopoly during 2020 and mainly down to the global pandemic as many consumers used it for their everyday shopping. Amazon is up 77% over the past year and if you are looking for gradual and safe gains then we couldn’t recommend the e-commerce giants more than any other stock – your money is certainly safe here.
Other areas in which investors have been using to try and produce a profit from the comfort of their own homes has been online casinos in which some can be found here as they are the perfect balance between entertainment and profit producing sites. These particular sites have a wide variety of your favourite casino games including roulette and poker.
Another dominant display during 2020 was that shown by PayPal (PYPL) which is an electronic company for safe and secure payments to be paid online. PayPal has seen even bigger rises over the past year with it being up 113% over the past year. PayPal has certainly been adopted by the mainstream market as you cannot shop online now without seeing the PayPal badge on every site you visit so the opportunities for growth with PayPal are virtually endless.
And finally, the last stock that we would recommend for someone to get into stocks safely would-be Shopify (SHOP) as it has now become Canada’s most valuable company as it has also benefitted from the pandemic. Due to the closure of stores to combat the spread of the virus, many have been forced to shop online and which Shopify has taken full advantage off with this coming rather naturally. They have seen a 76% increase over the past 12 months and with the world becoming more and more digital by the day, we believe that Shopify is certainly one of the safest stocks on the market.