So your hard work has paid off and you’ve got into university, now working even harder going to lectures, writing assignments and meeting deadlines, but what about all the other aspects of being a student? There are now endless social occasions, being surrounded by a new group of likeminded people, who constantly request your attendance to all night long parties, and university activities which include weekends away and charitable events, but how do you manage to maintain an active and yet balanced student lifestyle on a student budget?
A student loan, and the odd shift at the local pub, still leaves you with budget which is miniscule, so there are techniques and ideas in which you can save money rather than it just be blown. These can range from creating cheap dinner parties for your friends to share, to how you inexpensively heat your student bedroom, to shopping wisely for clothes which create your individual style.
A comfortable home
Your student home communal areas are used by all, and some might look a bit tired and dated, but this may not be the area where you spend most of your time, so creating a homely environment in those areas is not a priority. Your bedroom is your sanctuary, where you can get on with your work, relax in peace, and have a well-deserved rest. There are many ideas in which you can create your own environment, without spending a fortune. One idea is to upcycle furniture. Local councils and charity shops sell cheap and unique pieces of furniture, and once you’ve collected ideas and other cheap materials you can create individual pieces which will add to your own personal space.
Expensive bills within student homes take large chunks of your student budget, with little left to spend on other things. A way of saving money is to install an efficient electric radiator made of strong and durable materials in your room, cutting down heating costs. VeriSmart Heating have a wide range of electric radiators, which cater to your room size, which are easy to install, and durable in that you’re able to take it from one house to another as you move. They have their own thermostats, so you are in charge of your own heating instead of heating up the entire house.
Socialising with friends
Meals out with friends can eat away at your budget. You want to get together, and take time out from writing assignments and attending lectures, so another idea is to create an inexpensive dinner party, which you might like to do collectively, or take turns in hosting. It is easy to create cheap meals, which cost a fraction of the price of what restaurants charge. You can create themed nights, which will get your friends talking, and the ingredients are easy to obtain at local markets or shops.
So you are going to attend the student social event of the year, but you want something different to wear. You have an individual style of your own and you want to display your uniqueness. A good idea is to go charity shopping. This may take a little patience and perseverance, as you rummage through the racks, looking for something which catches your eye. This is an activity you and friends can do together, and you can make your style more individual by altering pieces, creating a great new look, without blowing your student budget.