Even though Game of Thrones has finally ended, you may still be fighting a battle of your own—the game of loans. And there’s considerably less entertainment value in this conflict.
Fortunately, you can find a way out of debt even if you’re on the verge of surrender. These are a few things to consider for overcoming sky-high debt.
Battling the Debt Dragon
Debt is a ferocious monster. You need to prepare yourself in order to go head-to-head with it. The underlying design of debt is part of what makes it so mighty. Interest allows it to continually grow. It can sometimes continue getting larger even if you consistently work to cut it down.
Before going to war with debt, you should understand what kinds are with you and against you.
Yes, you read that correctly. There are some kinds of debt that can work to your advantage. While you don’t want to have any sort of debt forever, it’s essential you differentiate between the different types of debt—often referred to as good or bad debt.
Good debt is a loan that can work to your advantage. This includes home mortgages and sometimes student loans. These kinds of debt come with low interest rates and can improve your financial situation. With a mortgage, for instance, you need to have a place to live. Additionally, the home can gain value over time—possibly at a better rate than your interest payment.
Bad debt is often what causes people the biggest problems. Credit cards and payday loans are two of the most commonly cited forms of bad debt. These bog down consumers with painfully high interest rates and are almost never tied to assets that retain or gain value.

Build an Army of Resources to Defeat Debt
People feeling the pressure of mounting debt need to strategize in order to defeat it. While it can seem like an insurmountable enemy, there are battle-tested ways to reduce and eliminate your debt.
It’s important to formulate a repayment plan. You’re never going to effectively square up against your loans if you don’t do this. There are two popular approaches—the avalanche and snowball methods.
The avalanche has you pay down the highest interest rate debts first, while making the minimum payments on the rest. This is the most cost-effective way of paying down loans. Snowballing, on the other hand, has you repay debts starting with the lowest balance and working up from there. This gives a psychological benefit of seeing faster progress, which can then lead to a “snowball” effect. Ultimately, you can deviate from these precise methodologies—so long as you stick to a focused plan.
If you’re still unable to chip away at your debt, it’s probably time to find an ally. Working with a debt settlement agency like Freedom Debt Relief can help you negotiate down your mountain of debt. And people who take advantage of debt consolidation services can get all their various payments to different lenders bundled into one.
How to Stay Free of Debt After Victory
Getting out of debt is a major accomplishment. But the fight doesn’t stop there. There’s always a potential for debt to come back if you let it. Creating and sticking to a budget is one of the best ways to keep loans under control.
Your mindset is also going to play big part in this process. Be okay living within your means. Trying to overextend yourself is dangerous. You’ll be a lot happier having less and not having to think about debt than you will be chasing material goods.
It’s intimidating to face the dragon that is your debt. But getting it to a manageable level will make you feel like royalty.