One of the best ways to be smart financially is to plan your spending before you begin buying things. This way, you’ll be able to know exactly what you’re spending your money on, and you’ll prevent those shopping sprees where you go a little crazy and then feel guilty (or return everything) later.
If you’re stuck for ideas, and not quite sure which accessory purchases are worth it, here are the best accessories to buy this year:
Whether you’re dropping kids off to school on a sunny morning, lying by the pool with friends on the weekend, or off on a ski trip, sunglasses are the type of accessory that you’ll get a ton of use out of. For a pair that is high-quality, looks great, and will last for years, check out Chanel sunglasses, which will have you feeling like a celebrity all year.
If you haven’t yet heard, a good pair of headphones are the fashion accessory for 2017. Over-the-ear headphones have made a huge comeback, and there are some seriously good looking pairs of headphones out there right now. Check out Nixon the Apollo headphones which are available in a range of different metallics, although the rose gold is super popular.
For those who like something a little more laid back, check out Urbanears, which have a huge range of colours and textures- including denim-covered which will be perfect this summer.
For those who love headphones, you’ll know that Skullcandy is one of the biggest brands around, and the Navigator pair is simply too cute (check out the hot pink).
Yup, we’re talking about the little black dress. Most women will have a few in their closet already, but if you haven’t updated yours in awhile, even the best style staple may be getting a little outdated. Eeek. Now’s the time to choose something a bit more modern- maybe with cutouts or a different design, or of course, stick with a nice basic dress and grab a few cute pieces of jewellery or a statement belt to give it a bit of personality.
Cute shoes
A nice pair of shoes can completely change the way an outfit looks, but for most women, shoe shopping can become a bit of an addiction. The answer? Take out all your shoes, give them a study, and see if you can honestly answer when you last wore each pair. If you haven’t worn a pair for at least a year, it’s time to donate them and look at what you really need.
Every woman needs a nice pair of boots in either brown or black. Stick to flat boots if you can see yourself wearing them often in the winter, or a small heel if you like the idea of wearing them out at night. Avoid stiletto boots which will usually date quickly and won’t get as much wear as you think.
You’ll also need a nice pair of heels, and it’s worth spending more for something basic but high-quality than buying a lot of cheap shoes that you never wear because they hurt your feet.