An estimated 390,000 children in the US are being cared for by foster families; less than half will ever return to their family of origin and only around a quarter will be permanently adopted by a new family. The remainder will live in foster care until they “age out” by turning 18. An estimated 23,000 newly minted young adults are abruptly abandoned by the foster care system each year.
Children who “age out” of the foster care system generally do not fare well. With no familial or societal support, most end up homeless and in poverty or prison. Here are six ways you can help support young adults as they transition from foster care into functional members of society.
1. Donate
Some organizations provide support to young people in the foster care system like one for adolescents in foster care and young adults who have just aged out of foster care. These programs provide advice, emotional and financial support, housing, and other resources to assist these young people in learning life and vocational skills, staying in school, and finding employment. These programs are always in need of financial support from donors.
2. Volunteer
Consider volunteering to work in a program that helps young people transition out of the foster care program. There are both local and national programs that connect adult volunteers with young people who need a mentor. Other less demanding programs connect adults with life and job skills with young people for teaching opportunities. Providing emotional support, advice, skills, and resources to a young person in the foster care system can make a huge difference in that person’s life.
3. Endow a Scholarship
Think about setting up a college scholarship fund and stipulating that it be given to a young person aging out of foster care. A college education that can springboard a career is out of reach of most young people who age out of the foster care system. The opportunity to attend college or a vocational program can be transformative.
4. Advocate
The foster care system needs people willing to spend time and money advocating for change. Children placed in foster care deserve more than being booted out on the street when they turn 18. Unless advocates can convince lawmakers to change the laws regulating the foster care system, nothing will change. You can donate to advocacy organizations or volunteer to be an advocate yourself.
5. Hire a Youth
Why not hire a young adult who has aged out of foster care or a teen in foster care? If you have chores around the yard or house that need to be done, or if you own your own business and could use some help, a foster youth could use the money and the job skills.
6. Run a Donation Drive
Young adults aging out of the foster care system generally own nothing. Being gifted with appropriate business attire, regular clothing, household goods, school supplies, and so forth could provide a well-needed boost to a young adult moving into their own place for the first time. You could help set up or fund a program to collect lightly used items from the local community for these young people.