You have taken time to assemble a solid portfolio, and you intend to grow it as your experience increases. To do this, however, you need the latest news and current information on the state of the stock market. You must know what is happening now so you can make informed decisions on trades. Should you sell? What about buying? The latest financial news is imperative for making sound choices. Here are some good sources of stock market news for beginning investors.
Reuters offers reliable current financial news divided into categories for the market, sectors, and specific stocks. This makes it easy to find the information you are looking for at any given moment. Reuters also offers historical news so you can gain a complete picture and put current information into a helpful context. This information source has an easy-to-use search feature, whether you want information about a specific stock or a news topic.

The Wall Street Journal
This source of financial information is highly respected, and it is also popular for current business news. You can find price quotes and sign up for email alerts based upon criteria you specify.
Updates From Industry Insiders
As a beginning investor, it is wise to learn from financial industry veterans who can give you an overall picture of how the stock market functions as well as specific information, tips, and current news. For example, video updates from Fisher Investments explain market trends and keep you current on best practices for investing.
Videos from investment advisers like Fisher Investments are a great way to learn more about the finance industry, especially if you are an audio or visual learner. Experts present information in short segments that you can review repeatedly if necessary, helping you learn vital facts about stocks and investment practices.
This is a helpful site for learning about the principles of investing and the structure of the stock market. However, also provides current information about stocks. You can create a watchlist of your favorite stocks to receive up-to-the-minute data.
Marketwatch News Viewer
When you are more familiar with stock market terms and figures, the Marketwatch News Viewer is a good way to stay updated on the market. The news articles are time-stamped, and the news feed updates automatically. This site also offers a more in-depth analysis and news about global financial conditions.
This data source is focused on real-time trading. is popular with investors who want of-the-minute quotes on a variety of stocks so they can track their investments. This site also offers news that provides a wider view of the investing world.
Bloomberg is a top source for stock market information. This site divides its news portal into various categories, making it easy to find the type of data you want. When you search for a particular stock, you see current as well as historical information, which helps you get an overall idea of how past news and events have impacted that stock.
News Collections
If you are new to the stock market, stock news aggregators are good sources of financial information.
• com
• Google News
• The Financial Times
These and other reliable financial news aggregators collect information from many different sources and compile it in one place. In addition to current information, you may discover new sources of financial data such as blogs or websites to help you stay informed and learn more about how the market functions in general.
Staying Informed About Stocks
As a beginning investor, you need to stay informed about current stock news, certainly, but it is also helpful to learn about the overall financial world and the machinations of the market. The internet makes it possible to find out the latest news and stock figures easily and quickly as well as better understand the big picture. Even if you are new to the stock market, tracking and understanding your portfolio’s performance is simple.