Yoyo strollers are a popular choice for parents who are always on the go. These strollers are known for their compact size and lightweight design, making them easy to maneuver in tight spaces and easy to transport. Yoyo strollers are perfect for parents who travel frequently or who live in urban areas where space is at a premium.

A yoyo stroller is a type of compact stroller that can be folded up into a compact size for easy storage and transport. These strollers are designed to be lightweight and easy to maneuver, making them perfect for parents who are always on the go. Yoyo strollers are also known for their durability and versatility, making them a popular choice for parents who want a stroller that can grow with their child.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoyo strollers are a popular choice for parents who are always on the go.
  • These strollers are known for their compact size and lightweight design.
  • Yoyo strollers are perfect for parents who travel frequently or who live in urban areas where space is at a premium.

Yoyo Stroller

What is a Yoyo Stroller?

A Yoyo stroller is a compact and lightweight stroller that is designed for parents who are always on the go. It is perfect for urban living, travel, and everyday use. Yoyo strollers are known for their ease of use, portability, and versatility.

The Yoyo stroller was first introduced in 2012 by the French company Babyzen. It quickly gained popularity among parents who were looking for a stroller that was easy to carry and maneuver, especially in crowded places. Since then, the Yoyo stroller has undergone several upgrades and improvements, making it one of the most popular strollers in the market.

One of the key features of the Yoyo stroller is its compact size. When folded, it can fit into small spaces, such as overhead compartments on planes and trains, or the trunk of a car. It is also lightweight, making it easy to carry around, even with one hand. The latest version of the Yoyo stroller weighs only 13.6 pounds, making it one of the lightest strollers in the market.

Another feature that sets the Yoyo stroller apart is its versatility. It can be used from birth up to 40 pounds, thanks to its adjustable backrest and leg rest. It also has a five-point harness to keep the baby secure, and a canopy to protect the baby from the sun and rain. The Yoyo stroller can be used with a car seat or a bassinet, making it suitable for newborns.

In summary, the Yoyo stroller is a compact, lightweight, and versatile stroller that is perfect for parents who are always on the go. Its ease of use, portability, and versatility make it a popular choice among parents.

History of the Yoyo Stroller

The Yoyo stroller was first introduced in 2012 by the French company Babyzen. It was designed to be a lightweight and compact stroller that could easily be folded and carried around. The Yoyo stroller quickly gained popularity due to its innovative design and ease of use.

The original Yoyo stroller had a weight capacity of 33 pounds and could be folded down to a size of 20.5 x 17.3 x 7.1 inches, making it small enough to fit into the overhead compartment of an airplane. It also had a one-handed fold, making it easy for parents to fold and unfold the stroller while holding their child.

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Over the years, Babyzen has continued to improve and innovate the Yoyo stroller. In 2016, they introduced the Yoyo+ model, which had a larger weight capacity of 40 pounds and added features such as a reversible backrest and a more durable frame.

In 2020, Babyzen released the Yoyo2, which further improved upon the Yoyo+ with features such as a redesigned harness system and a more spacious storage basket. The Yoyo2 also came with the option of adding a newborn pack, which allowed parents to use the stroller from birth.

Today, the Yoyo stroller is considered one of the best lightweight strollers on the market and is used by parents all over the world. Its compact size and easy-to-use design make it a popular choice for families who are always on-the-go.

Yoyo Stroller

Features of a Yoyo Stroller


One of the most notable features of a Yoyo stroller is its sleek and modern design. It is available in a variety of colors and has a minimalist style that appeals to many parents. The stroller has a lightweight frame that is easy to maneuver and navigate through tight spaces. It also has a compact fold that makes it easy to store and transport.


A Yoyo stroller is designed for portability, making it an ideal choice for parents who are always on the go. The stroller has a lightweight frame that makes it easy to carry and transport. It also has a compact fold that allows it to fit in small spaces, such as car trunks and overhead compartments on airplanes. The stroller comes with a travel bag that makes it easy to take with you wherever you go.


The Yoyo stroller is designed with the comfort of both the parent and child in mind. It has a comfortable seat that can recline to multiple positions, providing a comfortable sleeping or sitting position for the child. The stroller also has a five-point harness that ensures the child is secure and safe while in the stroller. The handlebar is adjustable to accommodate parents of different heights, and the stroller has a large storage basket that can hold all of your essentials.


Safety is a top priority when it comes to a Yoyo stroller. The stroller has a five-point harness that ensures the child is secure and safe while in the stroller. It also has a foot brake that can be easily engaged to stop the stroller from moving. The stroller has been tested to meet safety standards, ensuring that it is safe for your child to use.

Overall, a Yoyo stroller is a great choice for parents who are looking for a stroller that is lightweight, portable, comfortable, and safe. Its sleek and modern design makes it a stylish choice, and its compact fold makes it easy to store and transport. With its adjustable handlebar, comfortable seat, and large storage basket, it is a practical choice for parents who are always on the go.

How to Use a Yoyo Stroller

Using a Yoyo stroller is easy and straightforward. Here are some steps to follow to ensure you get the most out of your Yoyo stroller.

  1. Folding and Unfolding: The Yoyo stroller is designed to be compact and easy to fold and unfold. To fold the stroller, pull up on the handlebar while simultaneously pressing the two buttons located on the sides of the handlebar. The stroller will collapse into a compact package that can be easily carried or stored. To unfold the stroller, simply release the locking mechanism and the stroller will pop open.
  2. Attaching the Car Seat: The Yoyo stroller is compatible with a variety of car seats. To attach a car seat, simply slide the car seat onto the adapters located on the stroller frame. Make sure the car seat is securely attached before placing your child in the seat.
  3. Adjusting the Seat and Canopy: The Yoyo stroller has a fully adjustable seat and canopy. To adjust the seat, simply pull up on the lever located on the back of the seat and move it to the desired position. To adjust the canopy, simply slide it up or down on the frame until it is in the desired position.
  4. Using the Brake: The Yoyo stroller has a simple, one-step brake that is easy to engage and disengage. To engage the brake, simply push down on the pedal located near the rear wheel. To disengage the brake, simply lift up on the pedal.
  5. Using the Storage Basket: The Yoyo stroller has a spacious storage basket located underneath the seat. To access the basket, simply lift up on the seat and the basket will be revealed. Use the basket to store your diaper bag, shopping bags, or any other items you need to bring with you.
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By following these simple steps, you can easily use your Yoyo stroller to transport your child in comfort and style.

Yoyo Stroller

Maintenance of a Yoyo Stroller

To ensure the longevity and proper functioning of a Yoyo Stroller, regular maintenance is necessary. Here are some tips to keep your Yoyo Stroller in top condition:


Cleaning the stroller regularly is important to prevent buildup of dirt and grime. Use a mild soap and warm water to clean the stroller frame, seat fabric, and canopy. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning materials as they can damage the stroller’s materials.


Lubricating the stroller’s moving parts such as the wheels and hinges is important to ensure smooth operation. Use a silicone-based lubricant and apply it sparingly to prevent buildup.


Regularly inspect the stroller for any signs of wear and tear, such as frayed straps or loose screws. Replace any damaged parts immediately to prevent further damage or safety hazards.


When not in use, store the stroller in a dry and cool place. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or damp areas as it can damage the materials and affect the stroller’s performance.

By following these maintenance tips, users can ensure their Yoyo Stroller remains in top condition and provides a safe and comfortable ride for their child.

Choosing the Right Yoyo Stroller

When it comes to choosing the right yoyo stroller, there are a few factors to consider to ensure that you make the best purchase for your needs and budget. In this section, we will cover the most important factors and price ranges to help you make an informed decision.

Factors to Consider

  1. Portability: Yoyo strollers are known for their compact and lightweight design, making them ideal for travel and storage. Consider the weight and size of the stroller when folded, as well as any additional features that may affect portability, such as a carrying strap or bag.
  2. Comfort: Look for a stroller that provides a comfortable ride for your child. Consider the type of seat, padding, and suspension system. Also, check if the stroller has adjustable handlebars to accommodate different heights.
  3. Durability: A stroller that can withstand wear and tear is essential, especially if you plan to use it frequently. Look for a stroller with a sturdy frame, high-quality materials, and good reviews from other parents.
  4. Ease of Use: Consider how easy it is to use the stroller, including how easy it is to fold and unfold, adjust the seat and handlebars, and maneuver through tight spaces.

Price Range

Yoyo strollers come in a range of prices, from budget-friendly options to high-end models. Here are the three main price ranges and what you can expect from each:

  1. Under $300: You can find basic yoyo strollers in this price range that offer essential features such as portability and comfort, but may lack some of the more advanced features found in higher-end models.
  2. $300-$500: In this price range, you can find yoyo strollers with additional features such as adjustable handlebars, larger storage baskets, and better suspension systems.
  3. Over $500: High-end yoyo strollers offer the most advanced features, such as all-terrain wheels, reversible seats, and more comfortable padding. These strollers are also made from higher quality materials and are built to last.

When choosing a yoyo stroller, it’s important to consider both your needs and your budget. By taking the time to research different models and features, you can find the perfect stroller for your family.

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Yoyo Stroller

Popular Brands of Yoyo Strollers

Yoyo strollers have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their compact size, lightweight design, and versatility. Many parents find them to be a convenient option for traveling, navigating crowded spaces, and storing in small apartments or cars. Here are some of the most popular brands of yoyo strollers on the market:

Babyzen Yoyo

The Babyzen Yoyo is one of the most well-known and highly rated yoyo strollers available. It features a sleek, modern design and is available in several colors. The stroller can be used from birth with the addition of a bassinet or car seat, and it has a weight limit of 40 pounds. The Babyzen Yoyo is also compatible with a range of accessories, including a footmuff, cup holder, and travel bag.

Silver Cross Jet

The Silver Cross Jet is another popular yoyo stroller that is known for its durability and style. It has a weight limit of 55 pounds and can be used from birth with the addition of a newborn insert or car seat. The stroller is available in several colors and features a compact fold that makes it easy to store and transport. The Silver Cross Jet also comes with a rain cover and a travel bag.

Bugaboo Ant

The Bugaboo Ant is a newer yoyo stroller that has quickly gained popularity. It has a weight limit of 50 pounds and can be used from birth with the addition of a newborn cocoon or car seat. The stroller is available in several colors and features a reversible seat that can face forward or backward. The Bugaboo Ant also has a compact fold and comes with a travel bag.

GB Pockit

The GB Pockit is one of the most compact yoyo strollers available, making it a popular choice for parents who need to travel frequently or have limited storage space. It has a weight limit of 55 pounds and can be used from six months to around four years old. The stroller features a two-step fold that allows it to fit into a backpack or carry-on luggage. The GB Pockit is also available in several colors and comes with a travel bag.

Overall, there are many popular brands of yoyo strollers available, each with their own unique features and benefits. Parents should consider their specific needs and preferences when choosing a yoyo stroller that will work best for them and their child.


The Yoyo stroller is a compact and lightweight stroller that is perfect for parents who are always on-the-go. It is designed to be easy to maneuver and fold, making it ideal for travel and everyday use.

One of the standout features of the Yoyo stroller is its compact size. It can be folded down to a size that is small enough to fit in the overhead compartment of an airplane, making it a great choice for families who travel frequently. Additionally, the stroller is lightweight, which makes it easy to carry around when not in use.

Another great feature of the Yoyo stroller is its maneuverability. The stroller is designed to be easy to push and turn, even in tight spaces. This makes it ideal for use in crowded areas, such as airports or shopping malls.

Overall, the Yoyo stroller is a great choice for parents who are looking for a compact and easy-to-use stroller. Its lightweight design, compact size, and maneuverability make it a great choice for both travel and everyday use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the weight limit for the YOYO stroller?

The YOYO stroller has a weight limit of 48.5 pounds.

Are there any accessories available for the YOYO stroller?

Yes, there are many accessories available for the YOYO stroller, including a footmuff, cup holder, and travel bag.

What are the benefits of the Babyzen YOYO2 stroller?

The Babyzen YOYO2 stroller is lightweight, compact, and easy to maneuver. It can be used from birth with the addition of a bassinet or car seat, and it has a one-handed fold for convenience.

Is the YOYO stroller suitable for twins?

While the YOYO stroller is not designed specifically for twins, it can be used for twins with the addition of a second seat frame and fabric set.

How does the YOYO stroller compare in price to other strollers?

The YOYO stroller is priced on the higher end compared to other strollers, but its compact size and versatility make it a popular choice for parents on the go.

What are the main features of the YOYO stroller?

The main features of the YOYO stroller include its lightweight design, compact fold, one-handed steering, and compatibility with a variety of infant car seats. It also has a multi-position recline and a large storage basket.