In today’s economy, students are often left to their own devices when it comes to living expenses. Although the average cost for students to attend university in the UK is much lower than many other countries, a figure close to £5,000 per year is difficult for most families to raise. Some students even need to cover some of that cost as well as the price of accommodation, meals, books and, of course, entertainment.
With so much time spent on their studies, there isn’t much left to work a job and that is why so many students seek simple ways to make money – and make it quickly! If you are a student struggling to make ends meet, here are a few suggestions you might like to try. Cash Rewards for Searching the Web
If there is one thing common amongst students, that would be the amount of time they spend daily on the internet. Why not turn some of that time into a money making endeavour? One easy way to make money online is to join the site and then get paid for searching the Web.
You can use search engines like Yahoo, Bing and Google and with the installation of a browser add-on, you can be up and running the very same day. All you need is a PayPal account and a account and you’re ready to start making money doing what you do best, searching the web.
Market Trading Online
Now then, trading Forex might be a bit of a challenge for some students, but for those who are good with their maths and keen on world events, this might be just the thing for you. It’s akin to betting but in this context, you will be betting one currency against another, to put it simply.
Yes, there is much, much more to it than that but you can check out the leading Forex brokers on, and each of these will have apps and tutorials to get you started with trading currencies.
Create and Monetise a Website
As for earning money in your sleep, why not develop a website and then monetise it so that you get a passive, residual income all hours of the day. From paid ads to click-through promotions, there are tonnes of ways you can monetise your website. If you are a bit industrious, you can even become an affiliate marketer for an even greater chance at earning a good deal of cash.
Review Products, Websites and Apps
There are a number of ways to get paid to review products and apps, but a new platform on lets you get paid daily to the tune of about £6.50 per website you review. If you are ready to receive emails with websites to review and get paid daily to review them, check out the site for all the details.
Each of these ways to earn cash while in school are easier than working in a restaurant or delivering pizzas after classes. You can do them at your own convenience, from any connected device and some of them you don’t even need to be online to continue earning money. It may not be a lot at first, but over time your income will snowball and before you know it, you might even have enough left over to pay next year’s tuition as well!