If you’re looking to increase your employability and advance your career, continuing your education is a natural choice. You can build on your bachelor’s degree and gain valuable skills for nearly any industry with an MBA. MBA courses are designed to help you hone your critical thinking skills and become a stronger problem solver. This degree will also focus on your managerial and leadership skills, giving you the tools you need to move up the career ladder.person-801823_1280With the right program, you can customize your MBA to suit your interests and talents. You can choose from specializations like marketing, finance, nonprofit management, or general management. If you’re already employed, you may even find that your employer has programs in place that will help fund your education so you can build on your resume and prepare yourself for a big promotion.

Business school can seem intimidating, but it presents a wealth of opportunities to students who are prepared to maximize on all it has to offer.Enroll in a program like the online MBA from Marylhurst University and you can have your MBA in as little as 18 months. Make the most of your brief time in this program with these tips for surviving and thriving in business school.
