When you are injured in a car accident, be prepared that you need to deal with two insurance companies. One is the driver’s insurance company and the other is your insurance company. Your every statement to the insurance company is critically examined by insurance agents to reduce the compensation amount. Therefore, it is essential to be more careful while providing details like the date of the accident, location, conditions for accidents, and who was faulty. You can also seek a professional lawyer’s advice before direct dealing with insurance adjusters.
There can be a number of details that need to be discussed well in advance with the vehicle accident lawyer. Professional provides factual information to your and other party’s insurance company, based on which your compensation decision is taken.
- Never speak to another party insurance company
When it comes to speaking with a driver’s insurance company, only a few people are aware that there is no obligation to talk to them. Many unaware people agreed to speak with the driver’s insurance company and gave a statement without consulting an attorney. Moreover, some inexperienced people signed a contract that can work against them.
If you are wondering why you are advised not to speak with an adjuster, keep in mind, adjusters are appointed to reduce insurance payout amounts. Adjuster tries all the ways to serve maximum profit to the insurance company and minimize your claim.
- The adjusters make immediate friendly contact
One of the primary tasks of the adjuster is to show up the claim amount and distract from taking legal assistance. Therefore, in most cases, they create a personal relationship with you and behave as they care for you most. Indeed they are doing their job. They are bound by company guidelines to minimize compensation amount and make more profit from an insurance claim. Therefore, the adjuster guide offers you lucrative deals, indeed which are your loss.
Early insurance claims won’t include your medical expenses and injuries cost. Moreover, most of your medical bills are ignored while creating a lump sum amount. They all want you to sign dotted lines with a minimum compensation amount. After that, they will disappear. Even in most cases, you cannot claim the real value of compensation after signing a contract with the insurance company.
Keep in mind, you can claim for more than recommended by insurance companies. If you want to know this fact, just ignore the insurance company’s first offer, next time they will approach you with a high amount of compensation and with a new reason. In this way, you can get to know you deserve more than offered by friendly adjusters.
- Insurance adjusters to take all your records
The insurance company’s adjuster always tries to get all accidental records and ensure you must sign them and accept compensation claims. When you meet with an insurance adjuster you will be surprised to see a big bundle of records in their hands that you never thought of. Even they try to collect your records too to make the case stronger from their end. Most importantly, they will ask you questions related to accidents, answering them without experienced car accident lawyers can let you in trouble. Therefore, hiring experienced car accident lawyers can save you from all questions. In case you need to answer a few questions, your lawyer prepares you before confronting the insurance adjuster.
What you must do?
Hire an Experienced Car accident lawyer
According to studies, a professional car accident lawyer can help you to get two to five times more insurance claims. Therefore, it is important that you must get a complete value for your claim amount from the insurance company. Hiring highly experienced car accident lawyers can save you all the way. An expert can help you to calculate and claim for all losses such as medical bills, including medicines, doctors and ambulance charges, and damage to the car. In case the accident is where and you have to sacrifice your job for a few days, a lawyer for the accident can help you to claim lost wages.
More importantly, if the insurance adjuster tries to confuse you with hundreds of confusing questions to make your case weak. The professional lawyer has answers to each and every question to make your case strong.
Bottom Line
Speaking with an insurance adjuster immediately after an accident can let in trouble. As in such cases, you may not be calm, or in a state of mind to give answers. You never know your confusing statement can go against your case. Therefore, choosing a professional attorney can save and help you to get a fair compensation amount.