When you’re wanting to sell a home fast and save money while doing so, it can be a bit of a challenge. Selling usually takes a while and there are several fees involved; it’s never easy. Here are a few ideas on how to save money while selling your property or helping it to sell it quicker.
Pick and Choose Between Home Repairs
While an estate agent might inspect the property and make several recommendations about home repairs, not all of them are worthwhile. Some are necessary and will definitely drag down the value of the home. Others are cosmetic and easily overlooked by potential buyers. Therefore, while a few nicks on the wallpaper aren’t great, the new owner is probably going to end up stripping the walls down and replacing the wallpaper anyway.
Consider what repairs or decorations are worth doing because the home will be listed for less without them. Also, factor in the cost of the repairs and the time to get the work carried out. Bear in mind that the carrying cost of owning the property for longer is substantial.
Shop Around Between Estate Agents
While the local estate agents might all be sticking to an identical fee structure, they may be willing to be flexible on extra fees and other items. Also, think about which agents understand your property and will push it for a sale. If the estate agent has recently sold a property in the same street for a good price, that’s a major plus point too.
Understand that estate agents are keen to take up your business because they work on commission. See what they’re offering in added value for the commission they will receive.
Hunt Down a Better Mortgage Deal
When you’re selling one property and buying another, it would be a good idea to get a better deal on the new mortgage. You’ll likely have the new mortgage for many years, so get the best rate and repayment terms to save money on the financing costs of buying another home.
Also, make sure that you’re not losing out by changing homes due to new finance arrangements. Go to a mortgage broker to see if they can find you a better deal after accounting for their commission.
Selling a Property Fast for Cash in Glasgow
If you have a home in Glasgow that you’re keen to offload and don’t want to wait too long, consider FastBuy Properties Glasgow. They have been buying up homes in Scotland with cash deals for decades already, and they don’t charge fees. You’ll save on estate agent commission and other costs too.
Should they decide to buy your property, they pay the money within just 7 days. For a buyer that doesn’t want to have their home aggressively marketed, wait for it to be listed and then subsequently sold, there is a faster way to sell.
Once you’re ready to sell, focus on streamlining the process and saving money where you can. Keep it as simple as possible, as conveyancing is complicated enough already.