Guys can be notoriously hard to buy for, and it can be stressful trying to determine exactly what to get the men in your life for Christmas.
However most guys love stocking fillers. I’ve found that men often like the weird and wonderful type of gifts, and often enjoy playing with cheap toys and using fun gadgets.
Here are some of the best stocking fillers for him:
How to Swear Around the World
If your special someone likes to travel, this is a fun gift which he’ll love using. As he meets new friends from abroad he can show off his swear words in their language- something which is almost guaranteed to break the ice. This book includes rude phrases and insults and foreign swear words in more than 30 different languages. It’s bound to be a winner for guys with wanderlust this Christmas.
52 Things to do while you poo
Men love toilet humour, and this book will ensure that they’re never again bored while sitting on the loo. Keep it in the bathroom and the guys in your life will be able to enjoy puzzles, learn bits of trivia and do activities while they go about their business.
Wallet Ninja
For guys who love being resourceful, this handy little ninja can be kept in their wallet, and used for a number of different purposes. This multi-tool can be used in 18 different ways, including as a can, letter and bottle opener, box cutter, phone stand, peeler, nail remover and mobile phone stand. It’s the perfect gift for guys on the go.
Light up shot glasses
These shot glasses have lights inside, making them look awesome and helping to get the party started. Because they’re made from tough plastic they can be used and reused, and batteries are included so they can be used immediately over the holidays. While they come in a set of two, why not get a few sets and really make your guy’s day?
Drinking Tumble Tower
For anyone who likes Jenga, this fun game becomes even more fun after a few drinks, and some of the bricks even include dares which make use of the shot glasses which come with the game. For guys who love to play drinking games, this is the ultimate gift.
Dog Shaming
We’ve all seen the internet phenomenon dog shaming, which is the hilarious practice of writing a sign beside a remorseful looking (or not so sorry) dog, caught mid-crime. This book is full of 150 different photos of dog shaming that have never been seen before, and it’s bound to get a few laughs from your special someone this Christmas.
Rubiks Cube Inpossible Jigsaw
We all know that the Rubiks cube is one of the hardest puzzles around. This is a new kind of cube, with an almost impossible jigsaw puzzle. With 80 pieces mixed together, this will be a good way to spend the holidays as the guys in your life try to complete the two puzzles.