Many people spend most of their time inside, constantly breathing the air in and out. Have you ever stopped to think how clean that air is? The EPA reports that indoor air often contains pollutants that are 2 to 5 times more concentrated than outside. Maintaining clean air inside is just as important as keeping the rest of your house clean. Follow these five tips to improve your indoor air quality.
Change Your Air Filters
One of the best ways to maintain consistently clean air is to regularly change out your air filters. Every 90 days is the rule of thumb, but you may need to change them sooner if you are doing construction, have pets that shed, or have severe allergies. Check for the size of your filters to make sure you purchase the correct type. You can also choose from several different types: some filters are cheaper but may need to be switched out more often, while more expensive filters may do a better job at filtering.
Most people keep a relatively clean house, but taking a few extra steps during housekeeping will help improve your air quality. You should dust frequently and extensively, starting from the top and working your way down. Make sure you get every nook and cranny, including the tops of ceiling fans, window sills, picture frames, and behind appliances. Finish by vacuuming the floors to pick up any dust that may have fallen.
Air Purifiers
Sometimes you need a little extra help keeping your air clean. Investing in a good air purifier in addition to frequent cleaning can assist in trapping and sanitizing allergens, smoke, and mold. This is a great extra step to take if someone in the household has severe allergies or asthma, and they may see a reduction in symptoms after continued use.
Duct Cleaning
Filters aren’t the only way to keep your HVAC system properly filtering your air. Air duct cleaning removes contaminants that you may not necessarily be able to get to. These vacuums can reach into your ducts and get any dust or dirt that would otherwise circulate through your home. Not only does it improve the efficiency of your HVAC system, but it can also get rid of unpleasant odors, reduce irritants, and clear out mold and mildew.
Control Humidity
Balancing the level of humidity in your home can be difficult – too little humidity, and you might suffer from respiratory issues or dry skin. However, too much humidity can promote the growth of mold or mildew. Sometimes all you need to do is open some windows to let fresh air circulate. If your home still feels muggy or dry, consider getting a smart thermostat to measure the amount of humidity. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers can help you get to the perfect percentage, which is between 30 and 60 percent.
Maintaining your indoor air quality doesn’t have to be difficult. With proper cleaning and maintenance, as well as the occasional duct cleaning, you can ensure that you and your household are breathing the freshest air possible.