Money isn’t everything, but I also think most people wouldn’t show up for work if they weren’t going to get paid. If you’re looking for a new career, or trying to figure out what to study at college, then salary is likely to be a factor in what you choose to study. Of course it’s important to find something you are passionate about, but it’s also very necessary to find something that will pay the bills and afford the lifestyle you want. Here are my suggestions for top 3 careers that pay really well:
1. Anaesthesiologist
You’re probably not surprised to see something medical at the top of the list, after all most professionals in the medical industry require many years of study before you’re even making a cent. Not only is medical school expensive, but there’s also the opportunity cost to keep in mind. Being an anaesthesiologist is a challenging but very important job. People’s lives are literally in your hands and you often have to think on your feet. In the United States, the median salary for an anaesthesiologist was $208,000 in the year 2017. This is a pretty considerable salary and obviously a huge motivation to get through those gruelling years at college!

2. A Dentist
Do you have a passion for oral hygiene? Teeth are so important, after all they’re how we eat and process our daily nutrition. Without them eating becomes very complicated and our self confidence is affected. By improving someone’s smile you can drastically transform how they feel about themselves and how they interact with the world. To become a dentist you’re also going to have to spend quite a few years in dental school, but the salary is very appealing at a median of $151,440 in the United States in the year 2017.
3. IT Manager
As the workplace becomes more digital, the demand for IT managers is just going through the roof! A relatively new field of work, IT management is a generous paying position that can be both interesting and challenging. The IT duties will depend on the position and the company, but they can be things from communication support, right through to analysing computing needs. Generally for this kind of work there will be a requirement of a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field. Like with any profession, the more experience you have the higher the salary you will be able to command, but the median salary for IT managers was $139,220 but obviously it will vary depending on the company and location you work for. Tech jobs available in San Francisco can reach up to a $150K annual salary.
4. Financial Analyst
If you’re fascinated by the stock market and how people build wealth through investing, then becoming a financial analyst could be the perfect career path for you! The world of finance has become extremely complex, and analysts are required to help businesses and high net worth individuals understand their options.
As a financial analyst, you’d be responsible for evaluating different types of investments and making recommendations to businesses and individuals about where to invest. Day-to-day, financial analysts study stocks, bonds, and economic trends to inform their projections. It’s a fast-paced, challenging career that requires adaptability and creative thinking.
Financial analysts often work under stressful conditions, especially in a volatile marketplace. However, if you can learn to spot promising opportunities that few others are using, you can be extremely successful in this field. Analysts need to consider a wide range of factors in their projections to create wealth for clients.
Financial analysts at the top can earn over $167,000 per year, with the median salary still at a respectable $85,000. Overall, growth in this field is expected to be about 4% by 2029. If you’re interested in this career path, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree.
Now I think it’s worth mentioning again, don’t let money be the only factor in what career you choose to study. You want it to be something you enjoy, something that provides you with some kind of job satisfaction, and something you can see yourself doing for a very long time. Studying at college is a huge investment time wise and also financially, so you want to be sure when you start you’re going to be motivated to make it right the way to the end. No matter whether you choose to study in Oregon, overseas or locally, be sure to choose something that really motivates you!